Join Us for a Special Public Program!
The LWV Klamath County will hold a special event on Sunday February 9, 2020 at 2 PM at the historic Ross Ragland Theater in downtown Klamath Falls, to further commemorate the 100th anniversary of the LWV and the women’s right to vote. The program will include:
- two short films detailing the fight of women to gain the vote:
– The Suffragists, Oregon Public Broadcasting, Oregon Experience, Season 7, Episode 702 AND Suppressed; The Fight to Vote, Brave New Films
- a short skit presented by the Linkville Players in period costume to highlight these struggles
- short speeches by several prominent women from Klamath Falls including Mayor Carol Westfall
- LWV members in period costumes selling buttons and commemorative cookbooks
- punch and cake served by local high school students
- an information table on voter registration and LWV membership

The event is free to the public with a suggested donation of $10/ticket. Ticket donations can be made at the door to LWV members. Local high school students will also be invited to attend for free.