2020 US Census: Update

Census workers

The 2020 US Census seems to be lost, among the pandemic and political news. But it’s not! Its shape and methods have changed, but it is an ongoing process. Below find some information from the official 2020 US Census website about where it currently stands.

Response Rates

The 2020 Census is underway. Keep tabs on how many households in your community have responded with this map of self-response rates from across the country.

Find out HERE.

Are You Up to the Challenge?

Census results shape the future of communities, as census data informs how billions of dollars in federal funds are distributed for health clinics, school lunch programs, disaster recovery initiatives, and other critical programs and services for the next 10 years.

So, while you keep tabs on local response rates, encourage others in your community to respond to the 2020 Census.

The Census Bureau is challenging everyone to help ensure a complete and accurate count in 2020.

Share information on your social media channels about the census and why it’s important to respond. 2020 Census partners and stakeholders, media members, government officials, and others can all play a role in ensuring that everyone is counted once, only once, and in the right place.

Spread the Word

The 2020 Census is more than a population count. It’s an opportunity to shape your community’s future. Through your social media channels, your voice can make a difference.

Set the Record Straight

An accurate count is critical to communities across the country. Don’t let misinformation keep your friends and family members from responding.

One of the best ways you can show your support for the 2020 Census is by making sure you know the facts.

Review basic facts about the 2020 Census and how the Census Bureau protects your data—and then share these facts with others.

If you have questions about something you’ve heard about the census, visit Fighting 2020 Census Rumors to get the most accurate information.