For information about the League of Women Voters of the United States click here.
LWV 100th anniversary celebration
the league of women voters of oregon
In 1912, Oregon established an early version of what was to become the LWVUS in 1920. Oregon was part of a large movement of women throughout the western United States to push legalizing the vote for women and has the distinction of placing the question of votes for women on the ballot six times—in 1884, 1900, 1906, 1908, 1910, and 1912—more than any other state.
Taking Action through Advocacy: Working Together to Influence Public Policy
League advocacy or (taking) Action means participating in government. We study our League positions, confer, then submit and present testimony in government hearings. We publicize our support, concerns, and sometimes opposition to proposed legislation. You can volunteer to work on a particular League supported issue, such as gun safety or clean energy solutions.
- 2019 Legislative Positions
- Full Position Index
- Legislative Reports (subscribe!)
- Current Hot Topics
- Effective Advocacy
- Testimony
- Join the Action Committee
- Redistricting in Oregon
The process used in formulating positions and in taking action at the grassroots level makes the League unique. It sets the League apart from other organizations. The fact that we are League members working locally, collaborating as a state and with the League of Women Voters of the United States, makes us a powerful force. See some of our LWV testimony here.
*Lobbying activities and voter services activities are kept completely separate. Voters’ Guides and other voter services materials and publications must not contain statements of League positions.
the league of women voters of klamath county
Read our By-Laws
Board Policy on Political Involvement
find our meetings and other public meetings here.
Local League members have became involved in local and state government commissions, advisory committees, and one member was elected as a county commissioner in 1984. Members were appointed to a state Land Use Citizen Involvement committee, an energy conservation board, a scholarship committee, and a state board of architect examiners, as well as many local committees.
- Chapter started in 1956-57, helped study and get City charter form of govt. on ballot, which passed in 1958 – first League disbanded in early 1960’s
- Reformed as LWV of Klamath County in 1972-73 with 20 members
- National League required them to develop own by-laws and est. dues and officers, as well as do an in-depth study of the county government, list county elected officials, interview major department heads, and publish a pamphlet with this information. By 1974, was officially recognized, and had 30 members.
Local Activities include:
- candidate’s forums (NEW: ONLINE CANDIDATES’ FORUM, 2020)
- voter registration
- voter’s guide distribution
- annual local study
- participation in studies at state and national levels
- public education meetings
- party/white elephant fund raiser
- work with Klamath Sustainable Communities
- issue forums
Local study results: See Studies for more information.
- Formed and help operate Klamath Sustainable Communities since 1995.
- Put the Transient Room Tax on the local ballot, which passed in 2006 and is now putting over $300,000 to on-going funding for the Klamath County museums and promoting tourism in our county.
- Judicial Independence: asked how our system is working at all levels in the state to see how public needs are being met; will be used to make needed changes in the system.
- Klamath County Commissioners are now elected on a non-partisan basis as a result of a study conducted in 2012.
Our local chapter is small, with less than 30 members.
But, as Margaret Mead says,
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”