Pembina’s Jordan Cove pipeline: Updates

This time a local permit set-back for JCEP

July 21, 2020

Good news! Here’s a press release from Crag Law Center that explains what happened and some of what this means. I want to add a little more context by way of giving kudos to the legal team that accomplished this.

The Crag Law Center and the LWV go way back. The LWVUS and LWVOR have filed two amicus briefs in support of plaintiffs in Juliana v. USA, the landmark climate lawsuit initiated in 2015 and is still ongoing. Crag’s Executive Director Courtney Johnson drafted both of those briefs for the Leagues. That in addition to work against JCEP. 

Tonia Moro, who represented the Coos Bay Citizens for Renewables in the LUBA reversal, has been in the JCEP fight over the long haul, too. She was supported in this current work in part by a grant from the LWVOR, precisely because of her track record for getting things done and the understanding that receipt of local land use permits, including this one, are an essential part of the bigger effort to stop this project.

There’s way more to this very complex story, but we want to underscore Tonia’s and Courtney and her colleagues at Crag’s excellent work on behalf of the local, state, national, and global community, including to stop this massive project. If built, it would deal an enormous blow to Oregon’s goals and efforts to reduce GHG emissions and ensure environmental justice and cause irreparable damage to the natural and human environment across southern Oregon and in the Coos Bay Estuary and community.


dateline: June 2, 2020

As the State of Oregon is battling JCEP’s attempt to get FERC to declare that Oregon waived its Section 401 authority, making moot DEQ’s May 2019 denial of that essential permit, the EPA released its new rules on that section of the Clean Water Act yesterday. In other words, the Administration is lending a hand to get JCEP done in case FERC doesn’t do this additional job. 

A congratulatory article in the Financial Times this morning said this: “The Trump administration has curbed US states’ power to veto energy infrastructure projects, drawing praise from fossil fuel industries for a move that could make it easier to build pipelines and export terminals across the country. The Environmental Protection Agency on Monday reinterpreted provisions in the federal Clean Water Act that state governors had used to stymie projects targeted by climate campaigners. . . . The state of Oregon blocked the Jordan Cove liquefied natural gas export terminal citing the provision. . . . Energy companies argued the states were abusing a clause in the water law to obstruct projects they opposed for other reasons. Andrew Wheeler, EPA administrator, said the agency was returning the certification process to its ‘original purpose, which is to review potential impacts that discharges from federally permitted projects may have on water resources, not to indefinitely delay or block critically important infrastructure.’” 

It’s not clear yet whether Pembina will attempt to use the new regs to try to get JCEP to happen. It seems that JCEP might submit a new application for their 401 permit now under the new rules as a Plan B, but they also might wait and let their waiver claim to FERC play out first. If FERC grants their petition, Oregon (and community opponents of JCEP) may sue. If they reapply, the regular state permitting process will need to proceed. It’s unlikely DEQ will grant the permit because of the egregious adverse impacts, even under the new rules. And Governor Brown (and the LWVOR) commented in opposition to the proposed regs last fall (both attached), charging that they were unlawful misinterpretations of the Clean Water Act, as did any other states and  environmental organizations. That route likely leads to court, as well.

dateline: May 27, 2020

NATURAL GAS: Ore. landowners sue over ‘indefensible’ export project

Arianna Skibell, E&E News reporter

A group of about 30 property owners has sued to block a proposed Oregon liquefied natural gas export terminal and corresponding pipeline that would cut across their land.

The landowners asked the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on Friday to review the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s approval of the Jordan Cove LNG export project and the Pacific Connector Gas pipeline.

“We will do all we can to try and stop this incredible overreach and the blatant misuse of eminent domain to benefit special interests over public interest,” said Deb Evans, a challenger in the case.

The $10 billion project, backed by the Canada-based Pembina Pipeline Corp., would include a 230-mile, 36-inch-diameter feeder pipeline that would run from a town along the Oregon-California border to a 200-acre natural gas liquefaction and export terminal at Coos Bay. The export hub would be the first on the West Coast, closer to energy-hungry Asian markets.

The oil and gas industry has been pushing for the development of LNG terminals to facilitate greater exports of gas as the fuel glut continues. The terminals liquefy gas by refrigerating it to minus 260 degrees Fahrenheit, which reduces its volume and allows it to be transported on ships. The Jordan Cove hub could liquefy up to 1.04 billion cubic feet of natural gas per day for export to Asia.

FERC approved the project in March and last week upheld its decision despite requests to reconsider from affected landowners, the state of Oregon, tribes, environmentalists and fishing interests (Greenwire, May 21).

David Bookbinder, chief counsel of the Niskanen Center, who is representing the landowners, said he’s confident the D.C. Circuit will rule in their favor.

The Jordan Cove project, he argues, does not pass the eminent domain test. While FERC can issue a certificate of public convenience and necessity, which grants eminent domain authority to developers, the project must demonstrably serve public interests.

Bookbinder said the D.C. Circuit made clear last year in City of Oberlin, Ohio, v. FERC that an export-only project doesn’t automatically meet this threshold. In that case, the court instructed FERC to take a second look at its rationale for approving the Nexus pipeline, which runs through Ohio and Michigan on its way to Canada (Energywire, Sept. 9, 2019).

“The law is you can’t count this,” he said.

Bookbinder will argue on behalf of landowners affected by the Jordan Cove project that a Canadian company selling Canadian gas likewise does not benefit the American public.

He also noted an absence of gas contracts for the project. In 2016, under the Obama administration, FERC rejected Jordan Cove because of concerns about consumer demand. Bookbinder said the project’s developers have not assuaged those fears.

“The idea that a company that has no customers will take U.S. property in order to ship Canadian gas to Japan is outrageous,” Bookbinder said. “That is indefensible in so many different ways.”

‘Landowners get thrown under the bus’

For the property owners involved, the court filing offers a glimmer of hope in what has been a 15-year saga.

The Jordan Cove project was proposed as a natural gas import facility in the early 2000s, when Evans and her husband, Ron Schaaf, bought their property. The project was changed to an export site when U.S. hydraulic fracturing operations significantly boosted domestic supplies.

“We were busy; our kids were in school. We followed it, but not super-close,” Evans said. “Then fracking came in, and the project disintegrated.”

In 2013, Jordan Cove’s developers filed a new application with FERC. Their bid was denied in 2016 following concerns about a lack of customers; falling property values; and harm to environmental resources that support timber, fishing and other local industries (Energywire, March 14, 2016).

“It’s the same landowners who have been affected by this for 15 years,” Schaaf said. “Landowners get thrown under the bus, and many landowners don’t have a lot of money. Not everyone has the opportunity to advocate for themselves.”

FERC Chairman Neil Chatterjee, a Republican, stressed that while Pembina has eminent domain authority to condemn private property for its pipeline, no construction on the pipeline or LNG terminal, including land clearing, can take place until the company has obtained the necessary permits — which is proving to be an uphill battle.

Oregon’s Department of Environmental Quality denied the project’s water quality certification. The state Department of Land Conservation and Development rejected a permit because of the adverse effects the facility would have on coastal and critical habitats, as well as on endangered species. In February, it ruled that the project was not in line with the state’s coastal zone land use laws.

Pembina recently withdrew its application for a dredging permit when the Department of State Lands indicated that it was about to reject that application, as well.

Evans said she doesn’t understand why FERC would allow the pipeline developer to condemn her land while at the same time agreeing that no construction can begin without the requisite permits.

“Why would eminent domain be allowed before the conditions are met?” she asked.

‘FERC is delivering on its promise’

On a call with reporters after rejecting requests for rehearing on the project, Chatterjee said eminent domain is outside FERC’s jurisdiction.

“When it comes to eminent domain, we have no authority,” he said. “We’ve got expertise in how essential it is to siting pipelines.”

For landowners, Friday’s D.C. Circuit petition carries extra meaning. FERC’s swift rejection of the request for rehearing allowed landowners to seek recourse instead of hanging in legal limbo while pipeline construction moved forward.

“It’s a good example of Neil Chatterjee following up and delivering on his promises,” Bookbinder said. “FERC is delivering on its promise that it would not stop landowners from going to court.”

The commission has recently come under fire for issuing so-called tolling orders, which indefinitely extend the deadline for FERC to respond to landowner challenges while allowing pipeline construction to proceed.

FERC has issued a tolling order for every rehearing request filed over the past 12 years. Every case was then eventually denied. On average, 212 days — about seven months — passed between the time a landowner made a request for rehearing and when FERC ultimately denied it.

While Chatterjee has said his agency has addressed the issue, a case against FERC’s use of tolling orders is pending before the D.C. Circuit (Energywire, April 28).

Schaaf said he’s grateful that the landowners’ complaint over Jordan Cove can move forward.

“We understand owning property is a privilege and fighting for it is a privilege,” he said. “We’ll be in this until the end. We don’t know how it’s going to turn out.”

dateline: May 24, 2020

dateline: May 22, 2020

1) Recall from last update that the State of Oregon (specifically four agencies) had filed a petition for Rehearing on FERC’s Order granting the two major federal authorizations JCEP needs to go forward. The article also mentioned that a coalition of around 30 organizations also filed a petition for Rehearing, but was not very specific. That petition included Niskanen Center, the law firm representing around 20 affected landowners, Sierra Club, and also for the interest of this group, the four local LWV that have been jointly opposing JCEP since their application. Yesterday, the FERC met and denied those petitions. I haven’t read the Order yet, but it includes some confusing language that we’ll probably need legal eyes to interpret. Hopefully, it doesn’t throw any problems in the direction of key petitioners. The Niskanen Center has already filed an appeal to the DC Circuit and the coalition’s attorney members are moving in that direction, as well.

2) JCEP has filed a Declaratory Order (roughly a petition), charging that the State of Oregon failed to action on the company’s Section 401 Water Quality Certification application within the one-year time limit specified in the Clean Water Act and thereby waived its authority to determine whether the Project would violate Oregon’s Water Quality Standards. The Department of Environmental Quality denied JCEP’s application in May 2019. A Section 401 permit is necessary for the Project to go forward, but the waiver would make the denial null. The State is working on a response. The deadline is June 4.

3) JCEP has appealed the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) Objection to the company’s Coastal Zone Management Act certification to the Secretary of Commerce, asking him to override the State’s decision. This is an allowable option in the event of an objection, but we have looked carefully at the rules governing under what circumstances the Secretary can legally perform an override and agree with the State and many others that the required circumstances don’t exist. The Oregon AG’s Office submitted the required Brief last Tuesday and we are now awaiting the next step. If an override occurs, this issue could wind up in court as well.

4) An outside, apparently well-funded national group (Consumer Energy Alliance) has created an “astroturf” (faux-grassroots) entity called the Western States and Tribal Natural Gas Initiative (WSTM) involving natural gas and LNG export proponents (e.g., western states’ local government officials, Chambers of Commerce, and some tribal groups) in the push for the JCEP. Expect to see a full-page ad in the Oregonian this Sunday, purporting to be a local and grassroots effort linking the construction of JCEP with means for economic recovery from COVID-19. News (start at 2:02:48 on the video) of this and other activities by CEA came via connections in Utah with concerns about fossil fuel development in the fracking fields there. More as this develops. As if Goliath wasn’t muscular enough already. 

5) Finally, on the human side of this, here is a link to coverage of how this (the JCEP) pipeline project is affecting property owners whose land happens to lie on the proposed pipeline route. There’s a lot here. The blogs are excellent.

100th Anniversary Celebration at the Ross Ragland Theater, February 9, 2020

A Wonderful Community Event!!

Over 160 people attended the community celebration at the Ross Ragland Theater on February 9th, 2020. LWV members wore period costumes, served wonderful cake, put on an interesting and varied show, promoted the League and its 100th anniversary.

Take a look at some of our pictures below. You will see:

  • Our special poster
  • Members in costumes
  • Three beautiful cakes
  • The lobby full of guests
  • Busy LWV members getting ready
  • Rehearsals! (Yes we did)
Ross Ragland February 9, 2020
LWV Ross Ragland POSTER
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Updates on Jordan Cove/LNG Pipeline

As an official “Intervenor” in the on-going legal fights over the construction of the Pembina LNG pipeline, also known as the “Jordan Cove” pipeline, the LWV Klamath County regularly participates in various legal actions. These include filings at the federal and state level, testimony, letters, protests, and support of various parties fighting the pipeline.

Would you like to see what it looks like to build a natural gas pipeline? Have a look.

LWV Activities in 2019:

LWVOR: Jordan Cove Energy Project (JCEP)

Excerpted from recent LWVOR newsletter article. ‘Four Local Leagues of Women Voters from Coos Bay to Malin and LWVOR Call for State and Federal Agencies to Deny Permits to Jordan Cove Energy Project’, Shirley Weathers, LWVRV Climate Change Coordinator and Christine Moffitt, LWVCC Board.

“…the proposed Jordan Cove Energy Project (JCEP)…. consisting of a 530-acre liquefied natural gas storage and export facility known as the Jordan Cove LNG project on Coos Bay and a 230-mile 36” Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline…. Proponents see jobs (mostly temporary) and tax revenues as benefits…. Pembina spares no expense on high-dollar promotional efforts. Opponents, including the four local Leagues—Coos and Klamath Counties and Rogue and Umpqua Valley—and the LWVOR, see unacceptable negative impacts on the natural environment from air to water to aquatic and wildlife, as well as serious safety risks…. This joint action by the four local Leagues, taken in solidarity with other community members and organizations and Tribes, is a step in the long journey to stop this harmful project.…”

JCEP Related League Letters/Testimony

July 2019: Letter to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission: a technical comment on Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) — OPPOSE

February 2019: Letter to Oregon Department of State Lands: Public Comment on Jordan Cove Energy Project Removal-Fill Permit–DSL Application Number 60697 NWP-201741 – Oppose

August 2019: Letter to Governor Brown and Attorney General Rosenbaum: Allegations of law enforcement entities engaged in surveillance of citizens and groups opposing the Jordan Cove Energy Project

Here is a comprehensive list of all Oregon agencies involved in this JCEP project.

LWV Activities in 2020:

Legislative Update, February, 2020:

Jordan Cove Energy Project (JCEP) (by Shirley Weathers, LWV Rogue Valley)

As a refresher, while a significant number of key specifics about the JCEP project suggest FERC could issue Denials for the pipeline and terminal as in 2016, most observers expect approvals conditioned on receipt of certain other federal and state authorizations (please see the last issue for a summary). Such an Approval Order could include a number of other issues, making it impossible to predict all of the results and next steps. We expect a flurry of filings of Requests for Rehearing—from landowners who will then be subject to eminent domain proceedings for 90-foot easements across their properties, but also from hundreds of other individual and organizational “intervenors” on the two dockets. For example, the 4 local Leagues (Coos, Klamath, Umpqua Valley and Rogue Valley) that have been jointly opposing the project since 2017 are ready to start drafting.

some Further Explanation

It is also important to note that the State of Oregon is standing firmly against one very real possibility the FERC order may bring: one or more attempts to override state authority. Congress gave states and certain Tribes authority to protect their air, water, and coastal regions. The state permits designed to allow them to do that require input on other important matters, as well. Governor Brown has consistently maintained that all involved state agencies will exercise their permitting authority diligently and in accordance with the law. We have seen throughout this process that they have done so, despite intense pressure from project proponents and mountains of work. The Governor declared in no uncertain terms last week that Oregon will consider all available options to resist unlawful federal attempts to preempt state authority.

Highlights of Recent Activities:

Here is the latest letter that LWV Klamath along with three other local leagues sent to Governor Brown.

Because the proposed Jordan Cove LNG and Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline project would directly affect the areas of the state covered by the League of Women Voters of Coos County, LWV of Umpqua Valley, LWV of Rogue Valley, and LWV of Klamath County, our Leagues oppose this project.  As Intervenors in the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission the process and discussion in this letter states some of our concerns regarding information provided to FERC by Jordon Cove Energy Project’s attorney following Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development’s objection to JCEP’s Costal Zone Management Act (CMZM) consistency certification and FERC’s February 20, 2020 decision delay.

Here is a recent article that explains in clear language some of the issues surrounding the Jordan Cover pipeline.

LWV Partners for 2020 Federal Census

What is the Census? (In Spanish) Why is it important?

People who live in Oregon could miss out on a lot if everyone is not counted in the Census. Oregon could lose out on the political representation it deserves. And people and communities could be denied money that they need for schools, community health care, jobs, and transportation.

In 2016, Oregon received more than $13 billion from federal spending programs guided by data derived from the 2010 Census. Oregon can’t afford to miss out!

2020 Census Timeline:

January through March—Education and Awareness:

● Census Bureau ad campaign goes live.
● Census Bureau begins enumeration in Remote Alaska in January 21.
● Stakeholders educate communities about the census and how they will be invited
to respond (educational events, town halls, census awareness promotional content
focusing on hard-to-count neighborhoods). Events will include a focus on
encouraging eligible households to respond during the self-response period.
● Stakeholders deploy and educate communities about their “Get out the Count” plan (e.g., where census kiosks will be, how you are supporting communities, and what they can expect from you).
● Stakeholder groups will have “census weeks of action” for specific communities.

Mid-March through April 30: Self-Response Operation: (PEAK CENSUS OUTREACH EFFORTS)

● Census Bureau ad campaign drives a “respond-to-the-census” message.
● Census Bureau mails or hand-delivers census materials to almost all households,
which will have an opportunity to respond online, by telephone, or using a paper
questionnaire. (See the operations section of this toolkit for more information.)
● April 1, 2020 is Census Day—a reference date for the enumeration.
● Census Bureau enumerates group living facilities and transitory locations.
● Stakeholder groups may be going door-to-door in your community.
● The Census Bureau’s ROAM map10 and the CUNY hard-to-count map11 will display
daily self-response rates by census tract.
● Stakeholders may provide devices or internet access to support people filling out
their census questionnaire.

Mid-May through July: Nonresponse Follow-Up (NRFU)/Census enumerators go

● Census Bureau ad campaign drives “reminder, return your form” message
● Census Bureau enumerators going door to door.
● “Reminder” outreach to key hard-to-count neighborhoods.
● Census education about what enumerators look like and why they are going

Potential Impact of Citizenship Question Controversy

The 2020 Census will not include a citizenship question. However, people in immigrant
households and communities may have heard about the Trump administration’s attempts to include a question about citizenship and legal status on the 2020 Census at the last minute. That effort was opposed by members of the Census Counts coalition and other groups who believed that such a question, especially in a climate of hostility toward immigrants, could discourage participation.

In June 2019, the Supreme Court stopped the Secretary of Commerce (who oversees the Census Bureau) from moving forward with the citizenship question, finding that the administration’s justification for asking the question was not credible.
This was a major victory, but some advocates worry that the controversy has already harmed the credibility of the 2020 Census, particularly in Latino, Asian, and other immigrant communities. The NALEO Education Fund’s ¡Hágase Contar! (Make Yourself Count!) Campaign is operating a toll-free bilingual hotline 877-EL-CENSO (877-352-3676) as part of its national effort to overcome the effort to suppress the count of Latinos.

The 2020 Census is right around the corner. The information it collects will have substantial and lasting impacts on the nation’s governance and economy. In particular, data derived from the decennial census are used by the federal and state governments to guide where public funds are allocated. A lot of funds. Census-derived data are used to annually distribute approximately $900 billion to states, counties, cities, and households.

To ensure that each community receives its fair share of federal funds, an accurate 2020 Census is necessary. So that communities across the U.S. can better understand how an accurate census affects their receipt of federal assistance funds, this brief describes the geographic allocation of five census-guided federal programs important to local communities.

Why it is critical to get the 2020 Census right:  

  • Getting an accurate count in the 2020 Census is critical to all communities within the United States.
  • Millions of people, including community groups, local officials, and businesses rely on the Census to provide accurate, comprehensive data about our nation that impacts us all:  
    • Census data is the basis for fair political representation, and this data is used to draw district lines reflective of the population.   
    • Community leaders use Census data to allocate resources, including public safety, planning and disaster response, education needs, hospitals, assistance for veterans, and transportation.
    • Business leaders use Census data to make investment decisions that boost economic growth.
  • We only get one chance every ten years to get this right. The Census must be done fairly and accurately.  

What is the League doing to ensure the most accurate count in the 2020 Census? 

  • The League has a three-phase plan around census: Education, Get-Out-The-Count, and Watchdog activities. 
  • In the months leading up to Census Day—April 1, 2020—Leagues around the country will be in communities sharing information and resources about how to participate and the importance of the U.S. Census.  
  • On Census Day, the League will work in coalition to help get everyone counted, are working in Complete Count Committees to share out information about low-reporting areas and communicate where additional support is needed.  
  • Once the Census count wraps up in the Summer of 2020, the League will remain in communities and will act as a watchdog for any issues from the ground.

LWV Hosts 2020 Primary Election Candidates’ Forum


April 14, 2020. Klamath Falls library

One of the main functions of the LWV is to promote voter participation. Voters should be educated about candidates and issues.

Educating Voters

The LWV hosts hundreds of events and programs every year to educate voters about candidates in thousands of federal, state and local races, as well as distribute millions of educational materials about state and local elections. 

Why it matters

The leaders we elect make decisions that affect our daily lives. Elections are our chance to stand up for what matters most to us and to have an impact on the issues that affect us, our communities, our families and our future. 

What we’re doing

The LWV hosts hundreds of candidate debates and forums across the country each year and provide straightforward information about candidates and ballot issues. Through print and online resources, including, we equip voters with essential information about the election process in each state, including polling place hours and locations, ballot information, early or absentee voting rules, voter registration deadlines, ID requirements and more. 

Candidates’ Forum in Klamath Falls

The League of Women Voters of Klamath County will hold a Candidates’ Night at the Klamath County Public Library on Tuesday, April 14 from 6 – 9 pm.  It is co-sponsored by the Library.  We would like all voters to participate, no matter your party affiliation.

Our organization is Non-Partisan.  This is not a debate.  It is an opportunity for Klamath County voters to hear all candidates who choose to participate, and allows them to answer written questions from you, our audience.

We will invite all 13 candidates, from all parties, for the Congressional seat in District 2, as well as local candidates in contested races (currently Sheriff and County Commissioners). We hope you will come to listen and ask questions.

Vote 411. Being Better Informed

Why it matters

Election rules differ state by state, and sometimes change from year to year. Using, voters can confirm their polling location, check if ID is required, and see what their personal ballot will look like.  Confirming this information before heading to the polls saves voters time and helps voters make more informed decisions. 

What we’re doing

We have long been a trusted source of objective and nonpartisan election information. Since 2006, has served tens of millions of voters. By entering one’s home address on, voters can see ballot questions they will be voting on, compare candidate responses to League questions and much more!

LWV/Harvard Public Program

Event cancelled due to health emergency

League of Women Voters and Harvard University partner to train local history teachers







Klamath Union: Jonathan Chenjeri

Mazama High School: Kelly Patzke, Laura Estes

Lost River High School: Kjirsten Spark-Stahl

Paisley High School: Courtney Wertz

SATURDAY MAY 16, 2020, 2:00- 4:00 PM Klamath Community College, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON





*Note all participants must provide a valid email address to receive study materials one month before the seminar. Participants are expected to read the materials provided and be prepared to engage with fellow attendees under the direction of the teacher leaders, using Harvard’s case study method.

background and press release

In August of 2019, the League of Women Voters of Oregon sent 13 Oregon high school history and government teachers to a three-day training course at Harvard University as part of a nation-wide curriculum development program. 5 of the Oregon teachers came from the Klamath Basin region: one from Klamath Union HS, two from Mazama HS, one from Lost River HS, and one from Paisley HS. These five teachers are currently using their new materials based on historical case studies in their classes and find it challenging and invigorating for their students. In May, 2020 these five teachers will offer a public forum using their new teaching methods so the community can experience the lessons of President Madison’ tenure as they apply to our country today.

Harvard University’s Business School developed their case method project to bring this professional development opportunity to high school teachers across the U.S. Their aim is to deepen students’ understanding of American democracy. Based on the highly successful experience of Harvard Business School and other graduate and professional programs that use case-based teaching, they believe this method can be employed to strengthen high school education, ensuring a more exciting, relevant, and effective experience for students and teachers, especially for students in history and democracy classes. Harvard University believes it presents a unique opportunity to help reverse the broad decline in civic education – and civic engagement – in the United States. Each case study explores a key decision point in the history of American democracy.

This year for the first time, Oregon participated by sending 13 teachers from across the state. Now the public in the Klamath Basin will be able to benefit from the teachers’ new skills by sitting in a two-hour actual study session, where they prepare by reading the study materials and then sit with others to discuss it under the teachers’ direction, much like their students did in their classes this year. This will be a one-time unique opportunity for community education directly from Harvard University, sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Klamath County and Klamath Community College.

Report on Study of Immigration and Justice Issues in Klamath County

From 2017-2019 the League of Women Voters of Klamath County engaged in a study of local issues surrounding immigration and criminal justice in Klamath County. A number of sources were interviewed, and a complete report has now been prepared. Here is its introduction:

In January 2017, LWVKC Board discussed immigration issues, especially regarding DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) people, as a result of national news.

In September, 2017, they again addressed the question of DACA recipients in Klamath County, based on a meeting with the ROP (Rural Organizing Project), in which the question was raised about how to help local Latinx migrants. Attendees at that meeting

a) sought to find out about ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) work in Klamath County,

b) wanted to hold local law enforcement accountable for sanctuary state behavior, and

c) wanted to make sure that policies were in place that would respect the constitutional rights of all migrants.

The LWVKC Board took this issue as a study focus in May, 2018, because there were new concerns regarding the well being of the Klamath County Latinx. The study proceeded based on the LWV US position on immigration, which states “Immigration policies should promote reunification of immediate families; meet economic, business and employment needs; and be responsive to those facing political persecution or humanitarian crises”.

Over the next 15 months, various Board members interviewed eight members of the local law enforcement system and others involved in affairs of the Latinx community in Klamath County. As it became apparent that there was no local need for immediate help for DACA recipients, the focus of inquiry shifted from DACA recipients to a broader look at how the justice and immigration system for both adults and juveniles plays out in the Latinx community and the community at large in Klamath County.

Here is the conclusion:

General Conclusions

All informants discussed the difficulty in managing crime, punishment, drug abuse, and mental health issues and indicated that the Latinx population in particular is more difficult to manage based on lack of English skills. All parties stressed that immigration status in not a factor in the way agencies interact with the public or their charges, despite the fact that some in the Latinx community perceive otherwise.

Everyone pointed to a lack of adequate funding and manpower in their agencies, a common complaint. They sounded genuine in their desire to improve the justice system from their agency’s perspective. It is clear that these various agencies partner together very well to use available resources.

Read the complete report HERE.

Read the Herald and News summary article HERE.

LWV US National Popular Vote Task Force

National Popular Vote

photo of the white house

The National Popular Vote (NPV) movement emerged in late 2006 and has slowly gained some steam since then. 

NPV seeks to ensure that the presidential candidate who wins the most popular votes nationwide is elected president. When a state passes legislation to join the National Popular Vote Compact, it pledges that all of that state’s electoral votes will be given to whichever presidential candidate wins the popular vote nationwide, rather than the candidate who won the vote in just that state. 

These bills will take effect only when states with a majority of the electoral votes have passed similar legislation and joined the compact. States with electoral votes totaling 270 of the 538 electoral votes would have to pass NPV bills before the compact kicks in and any state’s bill could take effect.

Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote

The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact will guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes across all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The Compact ensures that every vote, in every state, will matter in every presidential election. The Compact is a state-based approach that preserves the Electoral College, state control of elections, and the power of the states to control how the President is elected.

The National Popular Vote bill has been enacted by 16 jurisdictions possessing 196 electoral votes, including 4 small states (DE, HI, RI, VT), 8 medium-sized states (CO, CT, MD, MA, NJ, NM, OR, WA), 3 big states (CA, IL, NY), and the District of Columbia. The bill will take effect when enacted by states with 74 more electoral votes.  The bill has passed at least one chamber in 8 additional states with 75 more electoral votes (AR, AZ, ME, MI, MN, NC, NV, OK).  A total of 3,408 state legislators from all 50 states have endorsed it.

The shortcomings of the current system of electing the President stem from “winner-take-all” laws that have been enacted by state legislatures in 48 states. These laws award all of a state’s electoral votes to the candidate receiving the most popular votes in each state.

Because of these state winner-take-all statutes, presidential candidates have no reason to pay attention to the issues of concern to voters in states where the statewide outcome is a foregone conclusion. In 2012, as shown on the map, all of the  253 general-election campaign events were in just 12 states, and two-thirds were in just 4 states (Ohio, Florida, Virginia, and Iowa). Thirty-eight states were completely ignored.

Campaign Events in 2012
      Campaign events in 2012

Here’s a map of US with state sizes based on the number of campaign events in 2012.  This is how the candidates view the relevant voters (and their issues).  Notice that 38 states are missing altogether: 

State sizes based on 2012 campaign events
      State sizes based on campaign events in 2012

Similarly, in 2016, almost all campaign events (94%) were in the 12 states where Trump’s support was between 43% and 51%. Two-thirds of the events (273 of 399) were in just 6 states (OH, FL, VA, NC, PA, MI).

Campaign Events in 2016
      Campaign events in 2016

This is how the US map looks with state sizes based on the number of campaign events in 2016 (missing states received no campaign events):

State sizes based on 2016 campaign events
      State sizes based on campaign events in 2016

State winner-take-all statutes adversely affect governance. “Battleground” states receive 7% more federal grants than “spectator” states, twice as many presidential disaster declarations, more Superfund enforcement exemptions, and more No Child Left Behind law exemptions.

Also, because of state winner-take-all statutes, five of our 45 Presidents have come into office without having won the most popular votes nationwide.  The 2000 and 2016 elections are the most recent examples of elections in which a second-place candidate won the White House.  Near-misses are also common under the current state-by-state winner-take-all method of awarding electoral votes.  A shift of 59,393 votes in Ohio in 2004 would have elected John Kerry despite President Bush’s nationwide lead of over 3,000,000 votes. 

The U.S. Constitution (Article II, Section 1) gives the states exclusive control over awarding their electoral votes: “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors….” The winner-take-all method of awarding electoral votes is state law. It is not in the U.S. Constitution. The winner-take-all rule was used by only three states in 1789, and all three repealed it by 1800. It was not until the 11th presidential election (1828) that even half the states used winner-take-all laws.

The National Popular Vote interstate compact will go into effect when enacted by states possessing a majority of the electoral votes—that is, enough to elect a President (270 of 538).  At that time, every voter in the country will acquire a direct vote for a group of at least 270 presidential electors supporting their choice for President.  All of this group of 270+ presidential electors will be supporters of the candidate who received the most popular votes in all 50 states and DC—thus making that candidate President. 

In contrast, under the current system, a voter has a direct voice in electing only the small number of presidential electors to which their state is entitled.  Under NPV, every voter directly elects 270+ electors.

Click here for a detailed explanation of each sentence in the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact Bill.

Additional information is available in the book Every Vote Equal: A State-Based Plan for Electing the President by National Popular Vote and at

Learn More

Click on any of the topics below to learn more. You can also read about the numerous myths.

  • Today, 48 states (all except Maine and Nebraska) have a so-called “winner-take-all” law that awards all of a state’s electors to the presidential candidate who gets the most popular votes inside each separate state.
  • These winner-take-all laws are state laws—they are not part of the U.S. Constitution. The winner-take-all method of choosing presidential electors was never debated by the 1787 Constitutional Convention or mentioned in the Federalist Papers.
  • Only three states had winner-take-all laws in the first presidential election in 1789, and all three repealed them by 1800. In 1789, electors were chosen from congressional districts in Massachusetts, from special presidential-elector districts in Virginia, and by counties in Delaware. The Governor and his Council appointed the state’s presidential electors in New Jersey. State legislatures appointed presidential electors in the other states.
  • In the nation’s first competitive presidential election in 1796, Jefferson lost the Presidency by three electoral votes because presidential electors were chosen by district in the heavily Jeffersonian states of Virginia and North Carolina, and Jefferson lost one district in each state.
  • On January 12, 1800, Thomas Jefferson wrote James Monroe (then governor of Virginia):

“On the subject of an election by a general ticket [winner-take-all], or by districts, … all agree that an election by districts would be best, if it could be general;but while 10 states choose either by their legislatures or by a general ticket [winner-take-all],it is folly and worse than follyfor the other 6 not to do it.

  • As a result, Virginia quickly passed a winner-take-all law in time for the 1800 election—thereby assuring Jefferson of all the state’s electoral votes.
  • Meanwhile, the Federalist majority in the legislature of John Adam’s home state of Massachusetts—alarmed by rising support for Jefferson in the state—repealed the state’s district system—thereby assuring John Adams of all the state’s electoral votes in 1800.
  • This triggered a domino effect in which each state’s dominant political party adopted winner-take-all so that it could deliver the maximum number of electoral votes to its party’s nominee. Ten states enacted winner-take-all by 1824 when Missouri Senator Thomas Hart Benton said:

now existing in 10 States was … not [the offspring] of any disposition to give fair play to the will of the people. It was adopted by the leading men of those states, to enable them to consolidate the vote of the State.”

  • By 1836, all but one state had enacted laws specifying that their state’s voters would vote for presidential electors on a winner-take-all basis. By 1880, all states were using this system.
  • In 1888, incumbent Democratic President Cleveland won the national popular vote, but lost the electoral vote. When Democrats won control of the legislature in the then-regularly-Republican state of Michigan in 1890, they replaced winner-take-all with district election of presidential electors. The Republicans challenged the Democrat’s change. In 1892, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld district elections and ruled in McPherson v. Blacker:

“The constitution does not provide that the appointment of electors shall be by popular vote, nor that the electors shall be voted for upon a general ticket [i.e., the winner-take-all rule], nor that the majority of those who exercise the elective franchise can alone choose the electors. … In short, the appointment and mode of appointment of electors belong exclusively to the states under the constitution of the United States.”

  • The Republicans restored winner-take-all in Michigan as soon as they regained control of the state legislature.
  • Maine adopted district elections for its electors in 1969, and Nebraska did so in 1992.
  • Massachusetts has changed its method of appointing electors 11 times.

Contrary to what some may think, the current state-by-state winner-take-all method of awarding electoral votes decreases the political clout of small states in presidential elections.

  • The eight smallest states (i.e., those with three electoral votes, including DC) together received only one of the nation’s 952 general-election campaign events in the 2008, 2012, and 2016 elections. In contrast, the closely divided battleground state of Wisconsin (with about the same population as the eight smallest states) received 40 events. Wisconsin received more attention despite having only 10 electoral votes—compared to 24 electoral votes for the eight states.
  • Presidential candidates ignore the smallest states—not because they are small—but because they are one-party states in presidential elections. Under the current state-by-state winner-take-all method of awarding electoral votes political power comes from being a closely divided battleground state.
  • The 13 smallest states (i.e., those with three or four electoral votes, including DC) are not predominantly Republican in presidential elections. In fact, these 13 jurisdictions have split 7-to-6 (or 8-to-5) in favor of the Democrats in all but one presidential election since 1992 (and 6-to-7 Republicans once).
  • President Trump did not win the Electoral College in 2016 because of small states. All of the 13 smallest states gave their electoral votes to the same party in 2016, 2012, 2008, and 2004 (except for President Trump receiving one electoral vote in Maine by winning its 2nd congressional district). Even if the 25 smallest states are considered, Iowa was the only state to switch parties between 2012 and 2016, and Iowa’s six electoral votes alone did not elect Trump.
  • The fact that the small states are disadvantaged by the current state-by-state winner-take-all system has been long recognized by prominent officials from these states. In 1966, Delaware led a group of 12 predominantly small states in an effort to get state winner-take-all laws declared unconstitutional.
  • Another indication that small states do not benefit from the current system is that Delaware, Hawaii, Rhode Island, Vermont, and the District of Columbia are among the 16 jurisdictions that have enacted the National Popular Vote interstate compact into law.
  • The current state-by-state winner-take-all system actually shifts power from small and medium-sized states to an accidental handful of closely divided battleground states.
  • A nationwide vote for President offers a way for small states to become relevant in presidential elections by making every one of their voters count directly toward the presidential candidate of their choice.

For more details, see this memo and read about the small state myths.

How would candidates campaign in a nationwide election for President in which every vote is equal and the winner is the candidate receiving the most popular votes throughout the entire United States?

Some people have speculated that a national popular vote for President would cause campaigns to concentrate disproportionately on heavily populated metropolitan areas and ignore rural areas.

However, there is no need to speculate about whether candidates would do this.

If there were any tendency for candidates to overemphasize big cities or ignore rural areas, we would see evidence of that tendency in the way campaigns are actually conducted today in the dozen or so closely divided “battleground” states where presidential campaigns take place.

Here are the facts as to how candidates actually campaigned for the votes of the 95 million people living inside the dozen closely divided battleground states:

  • The biggest metro areas of the battleground states actually received a combined total of 191 general-election campaign visits— compared to 188 if visits had been based strictly on population.
  • The areas outside each state’s biggest metro area received 427 visits— compared to 430 if visits had been based strictly on population.

In other words, real-world candidates hew closely to population when allocating campaign visits within battleground states—indeed they did so with almost surgical precision. Presidential candidates—advised by the nation’s most astute political strategists—campaign in this manner because every vote inside a battleground state is equal, and because the candidate receiving the most popular votes inside the state wins everything. There is no evidence that big metro areas exert any magnetic or intoxicating attraction causing candidates to concentrate disproportionately on heavily populated metropolitan areas or ignore rural areas.

For more details on how a nationwide presidential campaign would be run, see this memo.

Large cities will not dominate a national popular vote – they are simply not as large as some people think compared to the entire population of the country:

  • The biggest 100 cities contain just one-sixth of the U.S. population (16%), and they voted 63% Democratic in 2004.
  • The rural areas (i.e., places outside the nation’s Metropolitan Statistical Areas) contain one-sixth of the U.S. population, and they voted 60% Republican in 2004. That is, the biggest cities are almost exactly balanced out by rural areas in terms of population and partisan composition.
  • The remaining two thirds of the U.S. population live inside a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), but outside the central city. These suburban areas are evenly divided politically.

You can read more about the myths of big cities. As was discussed in the previous section, a close analogy for a national campaign is studying presidential campaigns in battleground states, where they do indeed campaign in cities, suburban and rural areas. While rural areas have lower population density, advertising and campaigning costs in those areas tend to be significantly lower than urban areas. The candidates need to win votes in all those areas to succeed overall.

Here are the number of general-election presidential campaign events (between the party convention and the general election) by state for the 2008, 2012 and 2016 elections:

Electoral votes State 2008 events 2012 events 2016 events
9 Alabama    
3 Alaska    
11 Arizona   10
6 Arkansas    
55 California   1
9 Colorado 20 23 19
7 Connecticut   1
3 D.C. 1  
3 Delaware  
29 Florida 46 40 71
16 Georgia   3
4 Hawaii    
4 Idaho    
20 Illinois   1
11 Indiana 9 2
6 Iowa 7 27 21
6 Kansas  
8 Kentucky  
8 Louisiana  
4 Maine 2 3
10 Maryland    
11 Massachusetts    
16 Michigan 10 1 22
10 Minnesota 2 1 2
6 Mississippi   1
10 Missouri 21 2
3 Montana    
5 Nebraska   2
6 Nevada 12 13 17
4 New Hampshire 12 13 21
14 New Jersey  
5 New Mexico 8 3
29 New York  
15 North Carolina 15 3 55
3 North Dakota  
18 Ohio 62 73 48
7 Oklahoma    
7 Oregon    
20 Pennsylvania 40 5 54
4 Rhode Island  
9 South Carolina    
3 South Dakota  
11 Tennessee 1
38 Texas   1
6 Utah   1
3 Vermont  
13 Virginia 23 36 23
12 Washington   1
5 West Virginia 1  
10 Wisconsin 8 18 14
3 Wyoming  
538 Total 300 253 399
  • In 2008, only 3 of the 13 smallest states (3 or 4 electoral votes) received any of the 300 general-election campaign events. The closely divided battleground state of New Hampshire received 12 events. Maine (which awards electoral votes by congressional district) received 2 events. The District of Columbia received one event. All the other states in this group were ignored. The small states are ignored not because they are small, but because (except for New Hampshire), they are one-party states in presidential elections.
  • In 2008, only 7 of the 25 smallest states (7 or fewer electoral votes) received any of the general-election campaign events. New Hampshire, Iowa, and Nevada each received a substantial number of events (12, 7, and 12, respectively). New Mexico (a battleground state at the time) received 8 events. West Virginia and the District of Columbia received 1 event each. All the other small states in this group were ignored.
  • In 2012, only 1 of the 13 smallest states (3 or 4 electoral votes) received any of the 253 general-election campaign events, namely the closely divided battleground state of New Hampshire. All the other states in this group were ignored.
  • In 2012, only 3 of the 25 smallest states (7 or fewer electoral votes) received any of the general-election campaign events. All the other small states were ignored. The 3 states that received attention were the closely divided battleground states of New Hampshire, Iowa, and Nevada. All the other states in this group were ignored.
  • In 2016, only 2 of the 13 smallest states (3 or 4 electoral votes) received any of the 399 general-election campaign events. New Hampshire received 21 because it was a closely divided battleground state. Maine (which awards electoral votes by congressional district) received 3 campaign events because its 2nd congressional district was closely divided (and, indeed, Trump carried it). All the other states in this group were ignored.
  • In 2016, only 9 of the 25 smallest states (7 or fewer electoral votes) received any general-election campaign events. New Hampshire, Iowa, and Nevada received attention because they were closely divided battleground states. Maine and Nebraska (which award electoral votes by congressional district) received some attention, since one of their congressional districts was closely divided. New Mexico received some attention (from the Republican campaign only) because former New Mexico Governor Johnson was running for President and it appeared his strong home-state support might make the state competitive. Utah received some attention from Republicans because the McMullin candidacy might have made the state competitive. Connecticut and Mississippi also received one campaign event. All the other small states in this group were ignored.

Another way to look at why states are ignored in presidential elections is to see which states consistently vote for one party or the other. This table shows that 16 states voted Democratic and 22 states voted Republican in all five presidential elections from 2000–2016. Because of the winner-take-all approach that states use to assign their electoral votes, these states, plus some of the others, are almost certain to deliver all their electoral votes to one candidate or the other, and therefore are ignored by the candidates.

Dem 5/5
16 states
Dem 4/5
5 states
Dem 3/5
4 states
Dem 2/5
2 states
Dem 1/5
2 states
Dem 0/5
22 states
CA (55) MI (16) VA (13) FL (29) IN (11) AL (9)
CT (7) NH (4) CO (9) OH (18) NC (15) AK (3)
DE (3) NM (5) NV (6)     AR (6)
DC (3) PA (20) IA (6)     AZ (11)
HI (4) WI (10)       GA (16)
IL (20)         ID (4)
MA (11)         KS (6)
ME (4)         KY (8)
MD (10)         LA (8)
MN (10)         MO (10)
NJ (14)         MS (6)
NY (29)         MT (3)
OR (7)         NE (5)
RI (4)         ND (3)
VT (3)         OK (7)
WA (12)         SC (9)
          SD (3)
          TN (11)
          TX (38)
          UT (6)
          WY (3)
          WV (5)
196 EV 55 EV 34 EV 47 EV 26 EV 180 EV

Note: The number of electoral votes shown are for 2012, 2016, and 2020 elections. DC is counted as a state for purposes of this chart.

The states are listed below in order of Romney’s 2012 percentage—with the most Republican (red) states at the top. All of the 253 General-Election Campaign Events in 2012 occurred in states where Romney’s percentage of the two-party vote was between 45% and 51%.

The second column shows the total number of general-election campaign events for each state (out of a nationwide total of 253).

The only states that received any campaign events (second column) and any significant ad money (third column) were the 12 states (shown in black in the middle of the table) where the Romney received between 45% and 51% of the vote—that is, within 3 points of his nationwide percentage of 48%. Only 8 states received more than a handful of campaign events.

Only 1 of the 13 smallest states (with 3 or 4 electoral votes) received any of the 253 general-election campaign events, namely the closely divided battleground state of New Hampshire. All the other states in this group were ignored. Only 3 of the 25 smallest states (with 7 or fewer electoral votes) received any of the general-election campaign events. All the other small states were ignored. The 3 states that received attention were the closely divided battleground states of New Hampshire, Iowa, and Nevada.

The fourth column in the table shows donations from each state (scroll the table left to see all the columns).

Romney Percent Campaign events TV ad spending Donations State Romney (R) Obama (D) R-Margin D-Margin R-EV D-EV
  75% 0 $0 $11,230,092 Utah 740,600 251,813 488,787   6  
  71% 0 $0 $2,225,204 Wyoming 170,962 69,286 101,676   3  
  67% 0 $1,300 $7,129,393 Oklahoma 891,325 443,547 447,778   7  
  66% 0 $290 $3,586,883 Idaho 420,911 212,787 208,124   4  
  64% 0 $100 $1,985,666 WV 417,584 238,230 179,354   5  
  62% 0 $0 $3,296,533 Arkansas 647,744 394,409 253,335   6  
  62% 0 $400 $6,079,673 Kentucky 1,087,190 679,370 407,820   8  
  61% 0 $80 $6,736,196 Alabama 1,255,925 795,696 460,229   9  
  61% 0 $0 $4,796,947 Kansas 692,634 440,726 251,908   6  
  61% 0 $0 $3,128,691 Nebraska 475,064 302,081 172,983   5  
  60% 0 $346,490 $844,129 ND 188,320 124,966 63,354   3  
  60% 0 $1,440 $11,967,542 Tennessee 1,462,330 960,709 501,621   11  
  59% 0 $3,990 $7,510,687 Louisiana 1,152,262 809,141 343,121   8  
  59% 0 $1,810 $1,267,192 SD 210,610 145,039 65,571   3  
  58% 0 $2,570 $64,044,620 Texas 4,569,843 3,308,124 1,261,719   38  
  57% 0 $0 $2,153,869 Alaska 164,676 122,640 42,036   3  
  57% 0 $0 $2,295,005 Montana 267,928 201,839 66,089   3  
  56% 0 $0 $3,525,145 Mississippi 710,746 562,949 147,797   6  
  55% 0 $40,350 $14,631,204 Arizona 1,233,654 1,025,232 208,422   11  
  55% 0 $300 $8,210,564 Indiana 1,420,543 1,152,887 267,656   11  
  55% 0 $127,560 $11,512,255 Missouri 1,482,440 1,223,796 258,644   10  
  55% 0 $710 $6,686,788 SC 1,071,645 865,941 205,704   9  
  54% 0 $6,020 $21,906,923 Georgia 2,078,688 1,773,827 304,861   16  
51% 3 $80,000,000 $18,658,894 NC 2,270,395 2,178,391 92,004   15  
50% 40 $175,776,780 $56,863,167 Florida 4,162,341 4,235,965   73,624   29
48% 73 $148,000,000 $20,654,423 Ohio 2,661,407 2,827,621   166,214   18
48% 36 $127,000,000 $32,428,002 Virginia 1,822,522 1,971,820   149,298   13
47% 23 $71,000,000 $20,695,557 Colorado 1,185,050 1,322,998   137,948   9
47% 27 $52,194,330 $4,780,400 Iowa 730,617 822,544   91,927   6
47% 13 $55,000,000 $6,717,552 Nevada 463,567 531,373   67,806   6
47% 13 $34,000,000 $4,389,577 NH 329,918 369,561   39,643   4
47% 5 $31,000,000 $27,661,702 Pennsylvania 2,680,434 2,990,274   309,840   20
47% 18 $40,000,000 $10,011,235 Wisconsin 1,410,966 1,620,985   210,019   10
46% 1 $0 $11,112,922 Minnesota 1,320,225 1,546,167   225,942   10
45% 1 $15,186,750 $19,917,206 Michigan 2,115,256 2,564,569   449,313   16
  45% 0 $1,162,000 $5,770,738 New Mexico 335,788 415,335   79,547   5
  44% 0 $460 $10,463,528 Oregon 754,175 970,488   216,313   7
  42% 0 $195,610 $3,452,126 Maine 292,276 401,306   109,030   4
  42% 0 $0 $23,600,404 Washington 1,290,670 1,755,396   464,726   12
  41% 0 $330 $18,644,901 Connecticut 634,892 905,083   270,191   7
  41% 0 $0 $2,141,203 Delaware 165,484 242,584   77,100   3
  41% 0 $270 $107,928,359 Illinois 2,135,216 3,019,512   884,296   20
  41% 0 $0 $24,062,220 New Jersey 1,478,088 2,122,786   644,698   14
  38% 0 $320 $137,804,736 California 4,839,958 7,854,285   3,014,327   55
  38% 0 $0 $35,927,766 Mass 1,188,314 1,921,290   732,976   11
  37% 0 $1,120 $25,579,933 Maryland 971,869 1,677,844   705,975   10
  36% 0 $55,600 $76,743,682 New York 2,485,432 4,471,871   1,986,439   29
  36% 0 $0 $2,226,963 Rhode Island 157,204 279,677   122,473   4
  32% 0 $0 $2,732,572 Vermont 92,698 199,239   106,541   3
  28% 0 $0 $3,217,863 Hawaii 121,015 306,658   185,643   4
  7% 0 $0 $16,670,938 DC 21,381 267,070   245,689   3
48.0% 253 $831,106,980 $937,609,770 Total 60,930,782 65,897,727 206 332

In 2016, there were 399 general-election campaign events. Almost all campaign events (94%) were in the 12 states where Trump’s support was between 47% and 55% of the two-party vote. Two-thirds of the events (273 of 399) were in just 6 states (OH, FL, VA, NC, PA, MI).

12 battleground states in 2016 accounting for 94% of the campaign events (375 of 399)

Trump % Events State Trump Clinton R-Margin D-Margin R-EV D-EV Population
55% 21 Iowa 800,983 653,669 147,314   6   3,053,787
54% 48 Ohio 2,841,006 2,394,169 446,837   18   11,568,495
52% 55 North Carolina 2,362,631 2,189,316 173,315   15   9,565,781
52% 10 Arizona 1,252,401 1,161,167 91,234   11   6,412,700
51% 71 Florida 4,617,886 4,504,975 112,911   29   18,900,773
50% 14 Wisconsin 1,405,284 1,382,536 22,748   10   5,698,230
50% 54 Pennsylvania 2,970,733 2,926,441 44,292   20   12,734,905
50% 22 Michigan 2,279,543 2,268,839 10,704   16   9,911,626
49.8% 21 New Hampshire 345,790 348,526   2,736   4 1,321,445
49% 17 Nevada 512,058 539,260   27,202   6 2,709,432
47% 19 Colorado 1,202,484 1,338,870   136,386   9 5,044,930
47% 23 Virginia 1,769,443 1,981,473   212,030   13 8,037,736
51% 375 22,360,242 21,689,241     125 32 94,959,840

Notes: (1) Trump percentage is of the two-party vote (2) Population is from 2010 census.

Only 2 of the 13 smallest states (with 3 or 4 electoral votes) received any of the 399 general-election campaign events. New Hampshire received 21 because it was a closely divided battleground state. Maine (which awards electoral votes by congressional district) received 3 campaign events because its 2nd congressional district was closely divided (and, indeed, Trump carried it). All the other states in this group were ignored.

Only 9 of the 25 smallest states (with 7 or fewer electoral votes) received any general-election campaign events. New Hampshire, Iowa, and Nevada received attention because they were closely divided battleground states. Maine and Nebraska (which award electoral votes by congressional district) received some attention since just one of their congressional districts was closely divided. New Mexico received some attention (from the Republican campaign only) because former New Mexico Governor Johnson was running for President and it appeared his strong home-state support might make the state competitive. Utah received some attention from Republicans because the McMullin candidacy might have made the state competitive. Connecticut and Mississippi also received one campaign event. All the other small states in this group were ignored.

39 spectator states in 2016 accounting for 6% of the campaign events (24 of 399)

Trump % Events State Trump Clinton R-Margin D-Margin R-EV D-EV Population
76% 0 Wyoming 174,419 55,973 118,446   3   568,300
72% 0 West Virginia 489,371 188,794 300,577   5   1,859,815
70% 0 North Dakota 216,794 93,758 123,036   3   675,905
69% 0 Oklahoma 949,136 420,375 528,761   7   3,764,882
68% 0 Idaho 409,055 189,765 219,290   4   1,573,499
66% 0 South Dakota 227,721 117,458 110,263   3   819,761
66% 0 Kentucky 1,202,971 628,854 574,117   8   4,350,606
64% 0 Alabama 1,318,255 729,547 588,708   9   4,802,982
64% 0 Arkansas 684,872 380,494 304,378   6   2,926,229
64% 0 Tennessee 1,522,925 870,695 652,230   11   6,375,431
64% 2 Nebraska 495,961 284,494 211,467   5   1,831,825
62% 1 Utah 515,231 310,676 204,555   6   2,770,765
61% 0 Kansas 671,018 427,005 244,013   6   2,863,813
61% 0 Montana 279,240 177,709 101,531   3   994,416
60% 0 Louisiana 1,178,638 780,154 398,484   8   4,553,962
60% 2 Indiana 1,557,286 1,033,126 524,160   11   6,501,582
60% 2 Missouri 1,594,511 1,071,068 523,443   10   6,011,478
59% 1 Mississippi 700,714 485,131 215,583   6   2,978,240
58% 0 Alaska 163,387 116,454 46,933   3   721,523
57% 0 South Carolina 1,155,389 855,373 300,016   9   4,645,975
55% 1 Texas 4,685,047 3,877,868 807,179   38   25,268,418
53% 3 Georgia 2,089,104 1,877,963 211,141   16   9,727,566
49% 2 Minnesota 1,323,232 1,367,825   44,593   10 5,314,879
48% 3 Maine 335,593 357,735   22,142 1 3 1,333,074
45% 3 New Mexico 319,667 385,234   65,567   5 2,067,273
44% 0 Delaware 185,127 235,603   50,476   3 900,877
44% 0 Oregon 782,403 1,002,106   219,703   7 3,848,606
43% 1 Connecticut 673,215 897,572   224,357   7 3,581,628
43% 0 New Jersey 1,601,933 2,148,278   546,345   14 8,807,501
42% 0 Rhode Island 180,543 252,525   71,982   4 1,055,247
41% 1 Washington 1,221,747 1,742,718   520,971   12 6,753,369
41% 1 Illinois 2,146,015 3,090,729   944,714   20 12,864,380
38% 0 New York 2,819,557 4,556,142   1,736,585   29 19,421,055
36% 0 Maryland 943,169 1,677,928   734,759   10 5,789,929
35% 0 Massachusetts 1,090,893 1,995,196   904,303   11 6,559,644
35% 0 Vermont 95,369 178,573   83,204   3 630,337
34% 1 California 4,483,814 8,753,792   4,269,978   55 37,341,989
33% 0 Hawaii 128,847 266,891   138,044   4 1,366,862
4% 0 D.C. 12,723 282,830   270,107   3 601,723
48% 24 40,624,892 44,164,411     181 200 214,825,346

Notes: (1) Trump percentage is of the two-party vote (2) Population is from 2010 census.

A Wonderful Holiday Party

LWV Klamath holiday party

On Saturday December 14, over a dozen members and friends of LWV Klamath County gathered at the home of Diane Shockey (at right in the apron) at Running Y for a festive holiday potluck luncheon. We enjoyed snacks, main dishes and desserts, all delicious, and shared news and stories.

LWV Klamath holiday luncheon

The weather outside may have been cold, but everyone was warm and happy indoors.

LWV Klamath holiday luncheon, including a friendly dog

Everyone enjoyed the fun gift exchange and the LWV KC made over $200 during this fundraiser.

LWV Klamath fun holiday luncheon with festive decorations

Diane’s home was a lovely backdrop for our gathering, and it provided a good way for members and family to reinforce our group spirit as we move forward in 2020 with many plans to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment and the women’s right to vote.

100th Anniversary Event: Historical Program at the Ross Ragland Theater, February 9, 2020

LWV Klamath 100th anniversary celebration

Join Us for a Special Public Program!

The LWV Klamath County will hold a special event on Sunday February 9, 2020 at 2 PM at the historic Ross Ragland Theater in downtown Klamath Falls, to further commemorate the 100th anniversary of the LWV and the women’s right to vote. The program will include:

  • two short films detailing the fight of women to gain the vote:

The Suffragists, Oregon Public Broadcasting, Oregon Experience, Season 7, Episode 702 AND Suppressed; The Fight to Vote, Brave New Films

  • a short skit presented by the Linkville Players in period costume to highlight these struggles
  • short speeches by several prominent women from Klamath Falls including Mayor Carol Westfall
  • LWV members in period costumes selling buttons and commemorative cookbooks
  • punch and cake served by local high school students
  • an information table on voter registration and LWV membership
LWV Klamath 100th anniversary votes for women

The event is free to the public with a suggested donation of $10/ticket. Ticket donations can be made at the door to LWV members. Local high school students will also be invited to attend for free.

LWV Klamath 100th anniversary fight for women workers