Next Statewide Election May 19, 2020 Primary Election
“Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting.” –Franklin Roosevelt
In 2020 there will be two major elections at the national level: the primary, and the General Election. One of the key platforms of the League of Women Voters is voting: access to the ballot, fair and transparent elections, voter participation at the highest level.
Voting Rights are important in every election, especially a presidential election. The LWV doesn’t endorse any candidate or political party. Instead, the LWV seeks to promote voting as a civil, political, and democratic right for everyone.
As the LWV states, “Voting is a fundamental right and all eligible voters should have the equal opportunity to exercise that right. We are dedicated to ensuring that our elections remain free, fair and accessible.”
The deadline to register is 21 days before Election Day.
To register to vote in Oregon, you must be a U.S. citizen, an Oregon resident and at least 16 years old. Online registration requires a current Oregon drivers license or state ID card.
Oregon has the most convenient voting system in the country. Since adopting
vote-by-mail, Oregon consistently ranks as a
national leader
in voter turnout.
Registered voters receive a ballot two to three weeks before an election, giving time to research issues or candidates.
Voters also receive an official ballot to complete and insert into the security envelope which is placed in the ballot return envelope and signed by the voter. The ballot return envelope can be stamped and mailed or dropped off at any official drop box across the state. If a voter casts their ballot after the Wednesday before an election, the ballot should be left at a drop box site to ensure it’s counted.
Ballots must be received by 8 p.m. on Election Day.
You should update your registration if you move, change your name or mailing address, or want to select or change a political party.
You can update your voter registration information, until 8 p.m. on Election Day and still cast a ballot. However, if your registration is updated close to an election, your ballot might have to be issued at the county elections office.
Students attending an out-of-state college or voters traveling during an election can still receive a ballot.
Protecting the Integrity of Elections
Oregon has a proud tradition of open, accessible
and fair elections. Voter fraud is rare but taken seriously.
If you believe someone has violated Oregon elections law, contact the Elections Division. Every complaint will be investigated, and violations will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Oregon supports unparalleled transparency. Contact
county elections office to observe the election
The LWV Klamath County, in honor of the 100th anniversary of the LWV and the Women’s vote, has been busy creating a commemorative cookbook! In fact, we’ve collected over a hundred recipes from our members, friends, family, and community members. In addition, we’ve added interesting pages on the history of the LWV, including here in Klamath County. We have all the right sections for our favorite recipes, from soups to desserts.
And you can PRE-ORDER it for $20 here! Send us a check or contact Leslie Lowefor more information. The cookbook, “The Great Fight for the Women’s Right to Vote”, will be spiral-bound, soft cover, and over a hundred pages. You can pick it up after January 31, 2020 at locations to be determined. It will also be available at other upcoming events that will celebrate our 100th Anniversary. Definitely a unique archive of the LWV of Klamath County and our 100th anniversary.
On January 11, 2020, at 10 AM, at the main Klamath County Library in downtown Klamath Falls, the Rationalists Discussion Group, a monthly gathering of individuals who meet to discuss a wide range of intellectual topics, will discuss the topic of Women’s Rights: Where are we now? This group is not a debate society, nor an educational event, but rather a forum for anyone to come and listen and thoughtfully discuss the announced topic. The group is provided links to thoughtful articles on the general topic, and then holds a round-robin guided discussion. They don’t attempt to reach conclusions or induce calls to action. Rather, it is a chance to consider a topic in some depth with others, to enhance one’s own thinking on the matter.
For January, the following articles will be offered for consideration. Each one addresses a different facet of women’s rights and issues, from voting to sexuality.
Suffragettes and slaves: The women’s suffrage movement was saturated with metaphors of ‘shackles’, ‘bonds’ and ‘slavery’. Was it justifiable?
I’m not a feminist but…These American teens look up to their strong mothers and believe in equal rights. So why won’t they use the F-word?
Dust off those old family recipes.
The League of Women’s Voters of Klamath County is gearing up to
celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which granted
women the right to vote in 1920. One way they’re celebrating the
anniversary is with the publishing of a cookbook containing recipes
submitted by locals either with a family tie or worthy of passing down
to future generations.
The deadline to submit the recipes is Nov. 25, and the cookbook will go on sale Feb. 1, 2020 for $20. The book will be called “The Great Fight to Win the Vote.” Find the order form HERE.
“Cooking was a
traditionally female domain. We’re talking about women’s history and one
part of women’s history was cooking. It was always a way to share among
family, friends and communities and I think just remembering good
cooking, interesting recipes, old recipes, things that women shared,
again, I know that’s maybe not the way we look at it anymore but it
certainly was for a very long time,” said Emily Strauss, board member of
the LWVKC. “It was a way of women working together.”
“It was a way of meeting with other women,” said Sue Fortune, president of LWVKC.
organization is aiming for 100 recipes and had 82 as of Wednesday, said
Leslie Lowe, LWVKC treasurer. They can accept as many as 150.
People wanting to submit recipes can email them to, along with a couple of sentences about why the recipe is significant to them.
cookbook will also feature passages about the history of women’s right
to vote and photos from the time. Funds raised from the cookbook sales
will go toward other 100th anniversary events.
the league has the word “Women” in its name, Lowe said they’re not
limiting recipes or involvement in their events to only women. Men are
also welcome to participate in the events and in the League of Women
Voters, as Lowe said the organization has expanded to include all voters
and voter education in general. Lowe said they already have a few
recipes submitted from men in the community, including one from Klamath
County Commissioner Derrick DeGroot. The recipe is one of his Oma’s —
which is Dutch for grandmother — for Loempia, a kind of deep-fried
spring roll which he said is a traditional dish from the Netherlands,
introduced by Indonesian immigrants.
“The League of Women Voters started just for women, but it has become the League of All Voters,” Lowe said.
to the group’s website, “LWVKC joins more than 700 other local and
state chapters to celebrate these historic milestones.”
For more information on the League of Women Voters visit Those looking to buy a cookbook can call Lowe or email her at
League of Women Voters is celebrating its 100th anniversary as a
national organization in February of 2020 and in August will celebrate
the anniversary of the 19th Amendment.
Our 100th anniversary committee is hard at work to produce a fine cookbook showcasing all of your family or favorite recipes. Now we need yours! Send us as many as you want! We’ll accept any kind, as long as they are complete with ingredients and directions.
Do you want to see your recipes in our book? Send them to by November 25, 2019!
Do you want to buy a cookbook with your recipes in it? Cookbooks will sell for $20 and will be available at the end of January, 2020. You may pre-order yours now by contacting
This past summer of 2019, for the first time in Oregon, the LWV joined with Harvard University to sponsor 13 high school teachers from around the state to participate in a free curriculum development project. Five of the teachers were from Southern Oregon high schools: Klamath Falls, Mazama, Lost River, and Paisley.
The Case Method Project is an initiative formed to achieve two goals:
Bring case method teaching to high schools and colleges
Use this methodology to deepen students’ understanding of American democracy
Based on the highly successful experience of Harvard Business School and other graduate and professional programs that use case-based teaching, we believe the case method can be employed to strengthen high school and college education as well, ensuring a more exciting, relevant, and effective experience for students and teachers across a range of subjects. We also believe the case method can be especially effective at engaging students with topics in history and democracy and that it presents a unique opportunity to help reverse the broad decline in civic education – and civic engagement – in the United States.
As a result of this project, the LWV Oregon and local leagues such as Klamath Falls will coordinate public presentations to be held in the Spring of 2020 with the teachers and their students to highlight the learning process using the case study method. These presentations will allow students and teachers to showcase their classroom work, and offer educational opportunities for the public. Our LWV Klamath County will help with these efforts, possibly to be held in public libraries, school facilities, or other public spaces. Everyone will be invited to attend, listen, discuss, and learn.
On Friday September 20, 2019, 12 people gathered at the home of Leslie Lowe for a fine dinner of homemade food. Recipes for several of the dishes will appear the the new LWV Klamath County 100th anniversary cookbook. All the guests contributed significantly to maintain the new LWV website and support other chapter activities. Guests included board members, general members and family. Discussion was wide-ranging and everyone had a wonderful time.
100th Anniversary of the women’s right to vote commemorative cookbook!
We’re writing a cookbook!
We’re producing a cookbook to raise funds for our upcoming celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment and the women’s right to vote. It also means the 100th anniversary of the League of Women Voters!
Cookbook title: “The Great Fight to Win the Vote”
Contents: 100 or more recipes collected from all of us, that celebrate the traditions of family cooking.
Will include half-page b/w ads from local businesses. total 16 ads: hurry and get your ads in! They are filling fast! (contact us if interested: $50/ad.
Read snippets of the history of the fight of women to gain the right to vote throughout the cookbook
Price: $20. Pre-order now to reserve your copy. Send check made out to ” LWVKC” (MEMO: “cookbook”) to LWVKC, 8880 Tingley Lane, Klamath Falls OR 97603
Family Recipes
Want to have your family recipes included? it’s easy!
Give us any number of family recipes, the older the better! We are seeking authentic traditional recipes that have been handed down in your family. This is what we need:
hand-written or typed copies as illustrated above. (we reserve the right to reject illegible submissions)
your name as you wish it to be printed in the cookbook
any type of recipe accepted
a one-sentence snippet if you wish about its importance in your family
We announced previously that we are seeking donations to help our local League enhance our position in the community, specifically to upgrade our website to provide new and relevant information! We also said that we were seeking $720 for this year, and that anyone who would contribute $50 or more would be invited to a special dinner to be held on September 20, 6- 8 PM at the home of Leslie Lowe.
As of August 1, our chapter has collected $415 from six supporters toward our goal, to pay for website management for one year. In September (date to be determined), we will sponsor a special dinner for the following people who have helped us move toward that goal: Jody Daniels and Phil Studenberg, Karen Kunz, Margo and Michael McCullough, Christina Pasillas, Jaye Weiss, and newest member Catherine Greenspan.
You too can attend this special dinner by sending a check of at least $50 to LWV Klamath website, 8880 Tingley Lane, Klamath Falls, 97603
Oregon’s youth justice reform bill signed into law
Governor Kate Brown recently signed the historic juvenile justice reform bill — Senate Bill 1008 — into law, ensuring that our youth justice system focuses on education, rehabilitation, and opportunity, not prison. People like you made hundreds of phone calls and sent thousands of emails to legislators to help pass this important legislation.
Oregonians believe that our youth justice system should focus on
prevention and rehabilitation, and value forgiveness and second chances.
Senate Bill 1008 passed with bipartisan support. Now Oregon will end
the practice of automatically trying youth as adults
for certain crimes, will ensure all youth convicted of a crime will
receive a chance at parole, and provide youth with the best chance to
repair the damage they’ve caused, while also healing their own trauma
and getting them the help they need.
Thanks for sticking with us,
ACLU of Oregon
Note that our Klamath County League engaged in a year-long study on criminal justice and immigration issues, including juvenile justice, in 2018-19, which will be presented as a complete report by the end of 2019.
Jordan Cove has underestimated Oregonians
Pembina Pipeline Corporation, the Canadian
company behind the Jordan Cove liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal and
Pacific Connector pipeline, thought it had Oregon pegged. Since
inheriting the project from Veresen in 2017, Pembina has taken the
attitude of a benevolent benefactor taking pity on a rural, economically
depressed region.
On July 5, the comment
period on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the
project ended. Many of the original comments, submitted by state
agencies, county commissioners, tribal members, landowners, fishermen,
conservation organizations, climate activists and Oregon citizens,
pointed out inaccuracies, errors and vague or inadequate statements
about how the company plans to mitigate the project’s negative impacts.
Looks like Pembina has some ’splaining to do.
an investors meeting in May, Pembina CEO Michael Dilger said he thought
Oregon state agencies were “overwhelmed” by the project application for
Jordan Cove and Pacific Connector. “ they haven’t seen billion-dollar
projects, let alone billion-dollar hydrocarbon projects,” he said.
“Their regulators aren’t quite capable of this.”
fact, Oregon agencies, including the Department of Geology and Mineral
Industries (DOGAMI), Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), and
Department of State Lands (DSL) have consistently pushed the company to
supply additional information, correct inaccuracies and supplement vague
statements with specific details. In late 2017, DOGAMI submitted
comments to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), pointing
out “insufficiencies in the scientific and engineering analyses related
to geologic hazards.” This spring, DEQ denied the project water quality
certification, and DSL sent Pembina a nine-page letter requesting
additional information. Most recently, Oregon agencies collectively
submitted over 200 pages of comments to FERC, stating numerous concerns
about the project’s safety, environmental consequences and impacts to
landowners, and recommending that FERC balance the project’s predicted
economic benefits with its negative consequences, which include higher
domestic natural gas prices and property devalued by the pipeline.
has sent land agents to ply landowners with ever-increasing offers for
easements for the 36-inch pipeline. Some landowners report these agents
used underhanded tactics to persuade them to sell: misrepresenting the
percentage of easements already secured, declaring that the project was a
“done deal,” and even threatening some property owners with eminent
Nonetheless, at least 90 private
landowners have refused to sign easement agreements. Over the protracted
process, several have become skilled organizers and experts on the
regulatory process — a great expenditure of time, money and emotional
energy. In its information request, the DSL referred to the “substantial
comments” of several individuals, many of them landowners, and it was
the arguments of landowners that contributed to FERC’s denial of the
project in 2016.
Before the 2018 election,
the company donated heavily to Oregon Political Action Committees
(PACs) and to several individual candidates in Coos County. While some
elected officials have capitulated, others maintain the project is bad
for their constituents. Jackson County commissioners decided the project
is not worth the risks, even though the county would receive an
estimated $5.3 million annually in property tax revenue from Pembina. In
comments to FERC, commissioners summarized their concerns, which
include negative impacts to waterways and drinking water wells, the lack
of a wildfire mitigation plan, and the use of eminent domain in
exchange for no clear public benefits.
fall of 2018, Pembina launched a multi-million dollar PR blitz. In a
blizzard of glossy brochures and deluge of radio and television ads,
Pembina presented itself as a friendly “neighbor” blessing southwest
Oregon with an environmentally benign project and promising a windfall
of jobs.
Most Oregonians saw through the
slick messaging. In fact, recent polling shows that opposition to the
project across the state, regardless of political affiliation, is
stronger than ever. The poll, yet to be released, includes a question
about Jordan Cove that is worded similarly to a question from a 2018
poll. While the percentage of those opposing the project held steady at
57 percent, the portion of those who strongly oppose the project grew
from 30 to 35 percent. At the same time, support fell from 22 to 19
percent, and only 4 percent say they strongly support the project.
the time FERC makes its final decision on Jordan Cove next January,
Oregon will have been dealing with the threat of this project for 15
years. The protracted process is not only testing our mettle, it is
showing us who we are. Whether rural or urban, young or old,
conservative, liberal or something in between, Oregonians can’t be
bought, and we can’t be fooled.
Deb Evans is an affected landowner who owns timber property in Klamath County. Juliet Grable is a writer who lives in Jackson County.
–originally published Sunday, July 21st 2019 in the Medford Oregon Mail Tribune. The authors are LWV members.
Klamath County and Rogue valley Women meet for joint discussions
On July 21, 2019 nearly 20 women and men from Klamath County and Rogue Valley met for lunch and discussions at the Greensprings Inn on Highway 66. Friendships were made and renewed, mutual concerns were discussed, and connections were made for mutual support. Everyone enjoyed the lunch and relaxed atmosphere so much that they agreed to try to make this an annual summer event.
statewide health care coverage law, July 17, 2019
SB 770 was in the logjam of bills while the Senate Rs walked out. But yesterday and today the Senate and House managed to pass, under suspension of the rules, our bill. To get the details go to You can see the history and who voted how at various points. This is great news. When the Governor signs it and starts to appoint members of the Taskforce/Commission we can monitor the process and hopefully be involved at appropriate times.