A local group called Southern Oregon Rising Tide (SORT) just finished a months-long project on public lands sections of the Jordan Cove’s Pacific Connector Pipeline route in southern Oregon, scouting the proposed right of way. The LWV wasn’t part of any of their hikes, but local LWV members have hiked parts of the pipeline route in the past, as well as seen–thanks to Christine Moffitt of the Coos County LWV–where the LNG terminal part of the project would go. Doing that gives a special kind of perspective on this project and what it proposes to do.
SORT just released the results of their project, “What’s at Stake: Mapping Jordan Cove & Pacific Connector,” a StoryMap about the pipeline combining GIS data, pictures and data from their scouting trips, and more to tell the story of what’s at stake on the ground where the pipeline is proposed to run. It’s well worth a look, no matter what you care about. They invite people to share at will: http://arcg.is/01H1yW
Southern Oregon Rising Tide is dedicated to promoting community- based solutions to the climate crisis and taking direct action to confront the root causes of climate change. We are based in the mountains and rivers of rural Southern Oregon, with most of our members living on stolen Takelma land.

about southern oregon rising tide
Our mission: Southern Oregon Rising Tide is a volunteer-run, non-hierarchical group committed to resisting capitalism and building social change through fun and creative disruptions. We use a range of tactics as diverse as all of our skill sets. By building deep relationships with our community, the land, and with other organizations, we create opportunities to take action that are accessible, joyful, and have direct impact on the issues we work on.
Our issues and values: SORT was created in 2015 in response to the proposed Pacific Connector LNG Pipeline through Southern Oregon. In continuing to fight the pipeline in coalition with other groups and organizations, we focus on building a culture of direct action and elevating the voices of rural and indigenous people whose lives and communities are most impacted by environmental destruction and climate change in Southern & Southwest Oregon.
In 2017, our focus expanded, but our principles remain the same. Climate justice transcends borders and is ultimately entwined with indigenous sovereignty and self determination, and with thinking beyond capitalism. We believe in the inherent dignity of all people, and also in the value of all non-human life including plants, animals, watersheds and forests. In action, we strive to build alliances and show up for those who are most impacted by oppression. We seek to resist fascism, capitalism, xenophobia, racism, transphobia, homophobia and patriarchy. We recognize that a community of mutual aid and solidarity is a potent force in opposing a system that thrives on division and hate.