Mail-in Balloting: the issues
How does mail-in balloting work? This issue has been discussed widely in public media recently. Some claim it’s invalid, or subject to corruption. Some say it’s unsafe, or even undemocratic. Of course, Oregon has used this voting procedure for many years. The LWV strongly supports voting rights for all- it’s the foundation of our organization.
There has been a lot written on these questions (not including news media):
National Geographic (for a historical perspective)
from the US Postal Service
the ACLU
National Conference of State Legislatures
Mail-in Balloting: How it Works
Here in Oregon, voters have become used to this process. Below is a video prepared by Wasco County that illustrates how this process works.
Your support is also essential!
- Know your voting rights
- Be prepared to participate
- Support others to participate
- Find accurate information and share it with others
- Don’t lose your voting right due to propaganda