Klamath County Commissioners online candidate forum:
Two positions for Klamath County commissioners are on the ballot for the primary election of May 19, 2020. Here is some information about these positions and the candidates who are running for two seats. This is a service of the LWV Klamath County to promote voter education and encourage more informed voters.
Board of Commissioners: Serving our Citizens through Stewardship
The Board of Commissioners consists of three (3) elected individuals. Each full-time non-partisan term is for four (4) years and is paid a salary established by the Budget Committee. The Board oversees all county activities with the exception of the Sheriff and the District Attorney. The position of board chair is by appointment from the entire board. The term of the chairman is one (1) year and rotates among the commissioners. A quorum of two (2) constitutes a majority vote. This is necessary to decide issues that come before the Board.
The Board of Commissioners adopted the practice of making liaison assignments to each board member. These assignments allocate various county departments, boards, commissions, etc. to individual commissioners. These assignments however are limited in scope and responsibility. The authority of the board is collective on both policy and administrative matters. The liaison role involves communication and advice. However final decisions can only be made by the governing board as a whole.
Open Door Policy
The Commissioner’s Office maintains an “open door policy”. It encourages citizens to stop by and share their concerns and comments on any issue relating to Klamath County.
candidates for county commissioner position 1:
4.13%= Derek Kimbol, P.O. Box 593 Chiloquin OR 97624 541.539.9391 dkimbol2@gmail.com
14.58%= Gary Powless, Beatty OR 97621 541.533.3143 541.887.2877 drpowless@msn.com
12.01%= Ryan Wheelock, Klamath Falls OR 97601 541.850.2088 piercer00@yahoo.com
58.67% WINNER = Donnie Boyd, Klamath Falls OR 97601 541.556.6322 info@DonnieBoyd.com
1.68%= Kenneth DeCrans, Klamath Falls OR 97603 605.787.3686 Kenneth.deCrans@yahoo.com
8.42%= Kassandra Harding, Klamath Falls OR 97603 541.887.9467 kassandraelisabethheritage@gmail.com
candidates for county commissioner position 3:
65.71% WINNER= Derrick DeGroot, KlamathFalls OR 97601 541.883.5100 commishdegroot@charter.net
https://www.facebook.com/commissionerderrickdegroot/ @derrick_degroot
6.04%= Jesse Withers, Klamath Falls OR 97601 541.884.3289 541.880.3854
6.23%= Dennis Vader, Klamath Falls OR 97603 541.295.6313 denvader26@yahoo.com
20.82%= Reginald “Rod” Davis, Klamath Falls OR 97601 541.884.5591 541.281.2787 rrdvs@aol.com
1.20%= Christopher Purcell, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 541.892.2122 chris@dimink.com
Read Christopher Purcell bio HERE.