Find all the voter information you need here. Be an informed and active voter.
1) Who can vote?
If you are a U.S. Citizen and at least 18 years old, you can vote, but you must register.
Voter Registration information: Use this link to register to vote or change your voter registration information: Oregon Secretary of State
Oregon has passed the Motor Voter Act which automatically registers all citizens to vote when they qualify for a new license or vehicle registration.

2) When do we vote?
General elections are held for federal candidates such as Senator, Representative, and President in November of even numbered years on the first Tuesday between November 2 and November 8.
Primary elections, in which voters choose which candidate they want to represent their party, usually takes place in May in Klamath County, Oregon. These elections also include state and local candidates for Sheriff, County Commissioner, City Council, etc.
May and November elections usually also include ballot measures in addition to candidates.

3) How do we know what is on the ballot?
You can get candidate and issue information by going to:
The State of Oregon publishes voters guides to help you get educated about state issues and candidates. Guides are available in April and October, one month before elections, at Klamath County Library branches . The state Voters’ Pamphlet includes information about each measure and candidate in the upcoming election. A State Voters’ Pamphlet is mailed to every household in Oregon about 3 weeks before each statewide election.
Go to Oregon Voter’s Guide for more information.

Check Herald and News for locations and times.
This is what a ballot looks like (sample).
4) Where do we vote?
Oregon voters do NOT have to go to a polling booth. You will receive your ballot at the mailing address you gave the County Registrar or the Department of Motor Vehicles . If you move, you must register again with your new address.

5) Does my vote really count?
YES! The leaders you elect, to national, state, and local positions, make decisions that affect you – your job, your health care, your energy costs, your security, and more. Voting is your chance to choose the decision makers and tell them what you want. Be sure to use your power to vote by communicating by letter, email, or phone with your representatives all through the year on issues of concern to you.

Getting Women the Right to Vote: 100 years of History
Waking Up the Vote, Doris Haddock