On January 11, 2020, at 10 AM, at the main Klamath County Library in downtown Klamath Falls, the Rationalists Discussion Group, a monthly gathering of individuals who meet to discuss a wide range of intellectual topics, will discuss the topic of Women’s Rights: Where are we now? This group is not a debate society, nor an educational event, but rather a forum for anyone to come and listen and thoughtfully discuss the announced topic. The group is provided links to thoughtful articles on the general topic, and then holds a round-robin guided discussion. They don’t attempt to reach conclusions or induce calls to action. Rather, it is a chance to consider a topic in some depth with others, to enhance one’s own thinking on the matter.

For January, the following articles will be offered for consideration. Each one addresses a different facet of women’s rights and issues, from voting to sexuality.
Suffragettes and slaves: The women’s suffrage movement was saturated with metaphors of ‘shackles’, ‘bonds’ and ‘slavery’. Was it justifiable?
I’m not a feminist but…These American teens look up to their strong mothers and believe in equal rights. So why won’t they use the F-word?
How men continue to interrupt even the most powerful women
Bring back Women’s Lib: Modern feminism seeks equality with men. But in a dysfunctional society, that is nowhere near enough
Sex and prosperity: Nothing we can do will make the world more free, fair and prosperous than giving women control over their own bodies
Feel free to join the discussion at 10 AM on Saturday January 11, 2020. The group is usually quite small and welcomes all participants.
This event takes place at the Downtown Library, but that isn’t mentioned in the post.