The November 3, 2020 general election is coming! And not only candidates are on the ballot. There are several measures that voters will decide on as well.
See more information HERE.
The LWVOR Board takes these positions for Oregon November 2020 ballot measures.
Measure 107: Campaign Finance – SUPPORT
“Amends Constitution: Allows laws limiting political campaign contributions and expenditures, requiring disclosure of political campaign contributions and expenditures, and requiring political campaign advertisements to identify who paid for them.”
Campaign finance reform has been an issue at all levels of government elections for many years. LWVOR has supported contribution limits for local and state elections whenever there has been the opportunity. This is a referral from the Legislature and is a Constitutional amendment. Until a recent Oregon Supreme Court decision, courts had held that the Constitution’s free-speech provision was contrary to contribution limits.
This ballot measure will make sure that campaign contributions are not speech and that campaign contribution limits may be imposed.
Measure 108: tobacco taxes – SUPPORT
Another legislative referral, that “Increases cigarette and cigar taxes. Establishes tax on e-cigarettes and nicotine vaping devices. Funds health programs.”
It will help to stop some young people from taking up unhealthful habits. Oregon’s taxes on these items are below those in Washington and California. This will raise the taxes to be on a par with those states.
Measure 109: psilocybin – NO POSITION
“Allows manufacture, delivery, administration of psilocybin at supervised, licensed facilities; imposes two-year development period.”
The League has no position to support or oppose this ballot measure.
Measure 110: decriminalizing, then funding addiction treatment – SUPPORT
This measure states, “Provides statewide addiction/recovery services; marijuana taxes partially finance; reclassifies possession/penalties for specified drugs.”
The League has several positions on which to base our support, including:
LWVOR Health Policy, Adult Mental Health in Oregon (1987, 2001, 2008): This position states that the mental health delivery system should include adults with alcohol and drug addiction and that the concept of care, treatment, and support should occur “in the least restrictive environment possible.”
LWVUS Sentencing Policy (2012): Alternatives to imprisonment should be explored and utilized, taking into consideration the circumstances and nature of the crime. LWVUS opposes mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses.”
LWVUS Principle: “No person or group should suffer legal, economic, or administrative discrimination.”
There is a long list of organizations working toward racial justice that support this measure. The Board concluded that because people of color make up a disproportionate group of those who are incarcerated, many for drug related charges, the League should stand in solidarity with them in supporting this ballot measure.