Contribute to the cause and join us!
We announced previously that we are seeking donations to help our local League enhance our position in the community, specifically to upgrade our website to provide new and relevant information! We also said that we were seeking $720 for this year, and that anyone who would contribute $50 or more would be invited to a special dinner to be held on September 20, 6- 8 PM at the home of Leslie Lowe.
As of August 1, our chapter has collected $415 from six supporters toward our goal, to pay for website management for one year. In September (date to be determined), we will sponsor a special dinner for the following people who have helped us move toward that goal: Jody Daniels and Phil Studenberg, Karen Kunz, Margo and Michael McCullough, Christina Pasillas, Jaye Weiss, and newest member Catherine Greenspan.
You too can attend this special dinner by sending a check of at least $50 to LWV Klamath website, 8880 Tingley Lane, Klamath Falls, 97603