100th Anniversary of the women’s right to vote commemorative cookbook!

We’re producing a cookbook to raise funds for our upcoming celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment and the women’s right to vote. It also means the 100th anniversary of the League of Women Voters!
- Cookbook title: “The Great Fight to Win the Vote”
- Contents: 100 or more recipes collected from all of us, that celebrate the traditions of family cooking.
- Size: 4.5 inches x 7.5 inches, soft-cover, spiral bound, professionally printed
- Anticipated delivery: January 31, 2020.
- Will include half-page b/w ads from local businesses. total 16 ads: hurry and get your ads in! They are filling fast! (contact us if interested: $50/ad. lenny5155@aol.com)
- Read snippets of the history of the fight of women to gain the right to vote throughout the cookbook
- Price: $20. Pre-order now to reserve your copy. Send check made out to ” LWVKC” (MEMO: “cookbook”) to LWVKC, 8880 Tingley Lane, Klamath Falls OR 97603

Want to have your family recipes included? it’s easy!
Give us any number of family recipes, the older the better! We are seeking authentic traditional recipes that have been handed down in your family. This is what we need:
- hand-written or typed copies as illustrated above. (we reserve the right to reject illegible submissions)
- your name as you wish it to be printed in the cookbook
- any type of recipe accepted
- a one-sentence snippet if you wish about its importance in your family
- email recipe to: lenny5155@aol.com
- post or hand deliver recipe to: Leslie Lowe, 409 Pine St., Klamath Falls, OR 97601 (you will pick up your cookbook here after January 31, 2020)
- DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: November 25, 2019