informed voters: what it means
Voters should be informed voters. That means you have studied the issues you will decide on. You must also know about the candidates who will represent you. There is a lot of information available. Some of it is factual, some biased. Some originates from a particular cause or candidate. Some comes from non-partisan groups like the LWV. Some comes from foundations or public policy groups. This is why you need to study the information carefully. Here are some basic sources of information from the LWV and local governments. You will also find a list of all your representatives. At the end is a list of sources to locate other kinds of public policy information.
New: Online Candidates’ Forum, 2020
The best way to be an informed voter is to learn about both issues and candidates. While the LWV is non-partisan, meaning we don’t support any particular candidate for office, we do try to provide information about ALL candidates. You read and decide who you prefer, based on their experience and ideas about current issues. We have now created new pages to bring information about local and federal candidates relevant to Klamath County. On these pages you can read about the candidates who choose to present information about themselves, and make your own decisions.
Be informed voters: LWV of United States

The LWV US studies issues related to voting and the function of government at the national level. They provide information to educate voters on a non-partisan basis. Here you can:
- Learn about national studies and projects
- take action on issues
- access the LWV national library
Be informed voters: LWV Oregon
The LWV Oregon works at our state level to mirror efforts by the national League. They also study issues and provide voter information. Learn about our Oregon state-level organization.
State level positions (HERE) and actions (HERE):
These pages include such topics as Governance, Natural Resources, and Social Policy. You will find lots of information about the Oregon League, including the Action Calendar.
Be informed voters:
Klamath County Government
Your local levels of government provide the structure to make your everyday life function. They regulate:
- taxes
- land use
- urban planning
- law enforcement
- garbage
- local infrastructure
Klamath Falls City Government
Get information about Klamath Falls City Government as well as access to other city services and information.
Who are my representatives?
Informed voters learn about all the elected officials who represent them. You have elected representatives at every level. Here is how to locate them:
- U.S. Senator
- U.S. Congressman
- Oregon State Senators
- Oregon State Legislators
- Klamath County Commissioners
- Klamath Falls City Council
- other Klamath County Special Districts
- Klamath County Schools Board
- Klamath Falls City Schools Board
Here are some other sources to learn about different kinds of issues.